Saturday, September 13, 2008


Tonight I am grateful for laughing. Last night we had some friends over to play games and laughed ourselves silly. When we went to bed we kept giggling about things we had said. Finally Jeff had to tell me to be quiet because every time he'd start to fall asleep - I'd start laughing again. Then tonight we went with the above same friends to hear a comedian named Jim Gaffigan? Hilarious. I almost cried. And then we got stuck in the car on the billioneth floor waiting for every car in the parking garage to get out before us and (I WAS SO THIRSTY) we retold like every joke the guy had said and laughed our heads off a second time. Even the drive thru (to FINALLY get some water) was crazy funny. Happy Birthday Summer. I'm grateful for all the laughs - my stomach hurts.


Shawn H. said...

These friends sound like idiots. Laughing is stupid. Shelby is a two-bit sea shrew.

Melanie said...
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Melanie said...

Well, at least ONE of those friends is an idiot. That is why I left his name off. Now your cover is blown.

Katie Price said...

Ha ha ha ha. Dead Pockets. We watched him the other night on Comedy Central. He is hilarious. I love how he makes fun of himself by saying what the audience is thinking. So funny.

shel7by said...

thanks, shawn. here I was all feeling the spirit of gratitude for laughter only to be reminded of my unfortunate birth in the sea which I had no say in. You cannot control where you're born or why. Just ask your kids.

S. Haught said...

Is everyone still interested in talking about this? I'll wait 5more years, and then I'm logging off