Friday, January 30, 2009


You have to understand that this has been crazy hard for me. Why am I so out of shape and why is running so hard?? I started just being able to run between one set of lamp posts. Then I could do two but I'd have to stop and walk some. Then every now and again I could run three without stopping but today I just took off and watched all those lamp posts fly by! (well not really fly . . .) but you know. I cried. I was so happy. 10 min and 30 sec. for one mile and I'm crazy happy. I'm sure half the world is laughing at that feat but to me it's the best! Woo hoo.

Lizzy too is celebrating me running one mile - showing off the destruction she did to herself while I was out running and Jeff was . . . watching her?

I'm going to run a half marathon! Really. I never thought it was remotely possible but I'm going to do it. And I'm also going to help kick cancer's butt. I joined Team in Training to help raise money for Lymphoma and Leukemia research through running this race. I cried through the whole meeting. I have already lost too many people that I love to cancer and came too close with Shelby. I'm not going to sit back anymore and just let it happen. I'm going to do something about it. Something dang hard. Woo woo. Look I'm crying again. Who knew that just getting off my butt could cause such emotion!


Maegen said...

I knew you could do it!!! It is the best feeling the first time you run that mile without stopping. I probably won't be able to keep up with you. Now will you run with me? I promise I will be nice. :)

MarySue said...

Congratulations! This is great and you have my respect!!!

Adam Nally, DO said...

You da man!!!! (oops, WOMAN!!)
Great job Melanie. You just wait, I thought that everyone was crazy but after you can comfortably run 2 miles, there is a euphoric high that kicks in. I never EVER thought I would look forward to running, but I remember waking up one day and couldn't wait to go run three miles. In fact, I'm thinking about going and running right now . . . bye!

Amie said...

Good for you! it really is hard running! It's not for everybody! I found I could do it, but it wasn't doing anything for me (I'm not selfish, really), so I quit. lol

Kim said...

That is so awesome! I admire you so much for taking action for something you believe in.
I'm scared to just do the sprint triathalon. I'll have to use you for inspiration, if you can run a half marathon, I can do a sprint triathalon...right?? Well...maybe. (i'm still scared)

Wisconsin Watsons said...

You are my inspiration! I know you could do it. How are your shins? I'm there with you in spirit...(no way am I running)

shel7by said...

melanie is awesome!!! COuld I have a more amazing sister? Nope. I couldn't.

now we just gotta get the other one going...

Kendra said...

That is awesome! I tried to take up running on my mission. I figures since I was at sea level it would be easier. Nope. I worked up to 1/4 mile, but it was so excruciating, I had to stop. I've concluded my body was just not built for running (I have Slovic heritage. We're built for heavy lifting)I can do aerobics and weight lifting til the cows come home. I just can't pound the pavement. You have my utmost respect and admiration! WAY TO GO MELANIE!

Unknown said...

Melanie!! How the heck are ya? Congrats on the running! I stumbled across your blog and loved looking at your cute and adorable family. You are wonder woman, seriously! And still seriously soooo funny! :) I have a blog too if you want to check it out. It's I went private recently, so email my your email address and I will invite ya. Take care!

Kami (McLean shimai)

Katie Price said...

i really don't think i could run a mile without stopping. at least not without throwing up my liver. i'm proud of you. and lizard cracks me up.

Sara Bosler Castro said...

Congratulations!! That's so awesome Melanie. You just made me cry. I know that feeling and it makes me so happy when other people get to feel it too.

You look good, miss runner.
Yes, you are officially a runner.

Jesika said...

I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!! Yay!! And, as Maegen said, will you run with Kim and I now too?? A 10.30 mile! That's AWESOME! :o) You go girl!

S. Haught said...

You've inspired me, too. I just ran to the grocery my car.

Dahlene said...

Great job Melanie! I remember the first day I ran that mile without stopping. It seemed to get easier from there. However, some days felt better than others. Keep it up!

Julie said...

Good going!! Trisha and I tried running down the street yesterday, nothing too crazy, and I almost puked on the neighbors lawn. No, not the Haughts, but close. Some people make it look so easy. Congrats on making it one mile...again, you are my hero.

Adam Nally, DO said...

Julie?!!!! That was you!??!! Well, no, it wasn't the Haughts lawn, but their driveway is close enough. . .

Anonymous said...

Melanie! Congrats! I completed my most recent feat of running just last week when i chased 8 cub scouts (+3 of my children) down the street. My lung capacity was being further exerted because I was screaming like a banshee the whole time. I didn't look (or feel like a fool). My knee didn't even hurt and it made me think that i should try this running thing again. we'll see... keep it up. I think you're awesome!

Christy said...

Amazing Melanie! You are someone who has the ability to do ANYTHING you put your mind to. Just one more reason for me to admire you. I'm running out of room in my "Things I admire about Melanie" notebook.

Time to get a binder.....

Sam said...

Yay!!! a 10.30 mile is awesome! I will live vicariously through you! Call me some time or I may have to bust out the big gun again!


Sam said...
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Lisa said...

Good for you, Melanie! You're my hero!

JENN said...

I'm a little past due but congrats!! That is awsome! you are an awsome sister!!!

heather said...

YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Did you celebrate with some chocolate. smile. and I hope that isn't blood on lizzie. too funny. love the hair.

Malie said...

Hey Melanie,
I hope you don't mind. I came across your blog through Terri's. Wow, that's really great that you're doing this! I remember when I started running. I didn't think I would get to the point I am at now. Careful, it's addicting! Good job, the running just gets better!